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French, Cheese Wheel

Cheese by Name
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from France by Picandine

A camembert-style goat cheese from France.

5(8 reviews)
Delice de Bourgogne - Large
Delice de Bourgogne - Large
from France by Lincet

This truly addictive, sinfully decadent triple crème cheese was created by the great gastronome Brillat Savarin.

5(4 reviews)
Roquefort Papillon - Black Label
Roquefort Papillon - Black Label
from France by Papillon

Enjoy this divine French classic with its robust flavors and velvety texture

5(4 reviews)
Petit Basque
Petit Basque
from France by Pyrenee'From

A young mild sheep's milk cheese from France.

5(3 reviews)
Mimolette - Aged 3 Months
Mimolette - Aged 3 Months
from France by Isigny

With it's distinctive orange hue and nutty flavor, this hard cave-aged cheese was developed to complete with Dutch Goudas.

5(1 review)
from France by Livradois

Traditionally melted over a fire and the soft cheese scraped onto a plate, this is a staple in French alpine cuisine.

5(1 review)
Roquefort Carles AOC (pre order)
Roquefort Societe Bee
from France by Societe Bee

Tangy, cave-aged sheep's milk cheese from France, peppered with blue veins

5(1 review)
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