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Sheep Milk Cheese with White Truffles

from Spain by La Antigua
Item description Temp PRICE PER UNIT Price Qty Sku
3.5 oz jar chilled $18.90 $18.90
12 x 3.5 oz jars chilled $17.01 $204.12

Sheep Milk Cheese with White Truffles

Creamy and luxurious our sheep’s milk cheese from La Antigua is infused with fresh Italian white truffles to create a truly extravagant culinary experience. Aromatic and full-flavored, the distinctly intoxicating characteristics of everyone’s favorite tuber are the perfect accompaniment to the delightfully sharp tang of raw sheep’s milk. Sourcing only the finest ingredients for this very special cheese, white truffles from the Piemonte region of Italy, are used to imbue the curds with their unique characteristics and add another layer of complexity and nuance to this cheese. Perfectly balanced, the sheep’s milk is an excellent complement to the bold earthy taste of truffles.

The truffle has always been considered one of the most luxurious ingredients available. The famed epicure Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin called them “the diamonds of the kitchen” and no variety of truffle is more highly regarded than that of the Italian white variety. Chunks of this very special tuber are steeped in the fresh milk used to make this cheese, its mushroomy essence permeating the liquid. The regular process of creating the curds and pressing the cheese is then carried out before the rounds begin their six-month aging stint. Kept in specially made aging rooms, the flavors of the cheese continue to intensify as the moisture within evaporates.

The final product is a creamy full-flavored cheese punctuated by small pieces of truffle, making every bite a joy to experience. Because this cheese is so special, we recommend serving it simply alongside accompaniments that will let its earthy flavor shine! A fresh baguette, some fresh fruit, and a cold glass of Cava makes for the ideal pairing for a simple yet satisfying repast you won’t soon forget!

Availability: Usually ships within 1 business days. Product is perishable and must ship via Overnight service. Product Types: Truffle Cheese
Truffle Brands: La Antigua
Origin: Spain

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