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Cotija, Mimolette

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1 - 7 of 7 products
Mimolette - Aged 3 Months
Mimolette - Aged 3 Months
from France by Isigny

With it's distinctive orange hue and nutty flavor, this hard cave-aged cheese was developed to complete with Dutch Goudas.

5(1 review)
Mimolette - Aged 12 Months
Mimolette - Aged 12 Months
from France by Fromage Marquis

A vibrant orange cow's milk cheese from France with a buttery flavor of caramel and butterscotch.

4.2(5 reviews)
Cotija Cheese - Mexican Style Grating Cheese
Mexican Cotija Cheese
from Mexico by La Chona

Mexico's answer to Parmesan and Feta, Cotija is salty and crumbly and perfect for authentic tacos and burritos.

Mimolette - Aged 18 Months
Mimolette - 18 Months
from France by Isigny

A delightfully sweet and mild French cheese inspired by Dutch Edam with a smooth finish and firm texture.

Mimolette - Aged 6 Months
Mimolette - Aged 6 Months
from France by Isigny

Similar to Edam, Mimolette or Boule de Lille has a dark orange rind and is perfect with beer.

Mimolette - Aged 6 Months, Pre-Cut
Mimolette - Aged 6 Months, Pre-Cut
from France by Isigny

This hardy French cheese is a popular favorite among all who taste it.

Mimolette - 24 Months
Mimolette - 24 Months
from France by Rodolphe Le Meunier

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