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Mimolette, Raclette

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Mimolette - Aged 3 Months
Mimolette - Aged 3 Months
from France by Isigny

With it's distinctive orange hue and nutty flavor, this hard cave-aged cheese was developed to complete with Dutch Goudas.

5(1 review)
from France by Livradois

Traditionally melted over a fire and the soft cheese scraped onto a plate, this is a staple in French alpine cuisine.

5(1 review)
from France by Schmidhauser

Raw cow’s milk cheese with a pronounced nutty flavor and firm texture, creamy-delicious when melted.

5(1 review)
Mimolette - Aged 12 Months
Mimolette - Aged 12 Months
from France by Fromage Marquis

A vibrant orange cow's milk cheese from France with a buttery flavor of caramel and butterscotch.

4.2(5 reviews)
Mimolette - Aged 18 Months
Mimolette - 18 Months
from France by Isigny

A delightfully sweet and mild French cheese inspired by Dutch Edam with a smooth finish and firm texture.

Mimolette - Aged 6 Months
Mimolette - Aged 6 Months
from France by Isigny

Similar to Edam, Mimolette or Boule de Lille has a dark orange rind and is perfect with beer.

Mimolette - Aged 6 Months, Pre-Cut
Mimolette - Aged 6 Months, Pre-Cut
from France by Isigny

This hardy French cheese is a popular favorite among all who taste it.

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