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Steak Nutrition


Most meat-eaters among us love a nice, juicy steak for dinner, but you may have heard conflicting reports regarding the benefits or detriments of eating said steak. There's a common belief that eating red meat too frequently can lead to heart problems, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues, with leaner meats such as chicken or turkey often recommended instead.
Countering this, there are also reports that eating moderate amounts of steak as part of a healthy, varied diet can in fact lower the risk of heart disease, reducing cholesterol levels instead of increasing them!
So why the confusion? A large part of it boils down to the simplified notion that "unsaturated fats = good, while saturated fats = bad." Saturated fats are so called due to their molecules being saturated with hydrogen atoms, and they can potentially increase the levels of cholesterol in your blood; you'll find them in many dairy products such as cheese, butter and cream, as well as in fatty animal meats such as beef, lamb and pork. Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are considered to be much healthier, since they often reduce cholesterol instead of raising it. They'll be found in many oils, nuts and fish, hence why those foods are often marketed as being rich in "healthy fats."  
But there are exceptions to every rule, and in recent years many nutritionists have determined that stearic acid - the saturated fat found in red meat - can actually reduce cholesterol because it is broken down by the body and converted into unsaturated fat during digestion.
Now, this does not mean that eating steak should become a daily occurrence in your household, by any means. But more and more dietary experts are suggesting you can regularly enjoy steak and other red meats as part of a healthy diet, so long as they’re eaten in moderation.

Steak Nutrition and Benefits

Steak is obviously an excellent source of protein, but it's also rich in minerals and other nutrients. Phosphorus, zinc and numerous B vitamins all act as metabolism boosters, while iron aids in transportation of oxygen through the blood system, and magnesium maintains muscle and nerve functions.

The Healthiest Steak?

The nutritional benefits of steak vary a lot depending on the breed and diet of cow, the part of the body it was cut from, and how well the animal was treated. That’s why it’s important to go with steak from humanely raised cattle raised on a natural diet.
With our Wagyu beef steaks, you can rest assured you’re eating exquisite, high quality beef from humanely raised cattle fed a natural diet free from GMOs or antibiotics. While they are often liberally marbled with fat, this fat melts during cooking and is actually rich in Omega 3 & 6 and mono-unsaturated fats, making it healthier (and far more delicious!) than store-bought cuts of steak.
Alternatively, try our Grass Fed Beef products; each cow was raised on bountiful, green pastures, with a natural grass diet that imbues the beef with natural, bold flavor and health-giving properties, free from hormones, antibiotics and GMOs.

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